Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day

This is not really the first Mother's Day I had envisioned, however we are still holding on for a brighter future.  Christopher has stablized but they think his phenabarb level (seizure medication) had gotten to low for his status (born with brain bleeding).  So his seizures started up again and was putting a strain on his system.  Sometimes you can't really see them and I think that was the case here.  Either way, last couple days were rough, but I felt a little better by the end of Saturday and I hope Sunday, Mother's Day, will bring a positive day.  Happy Mothers Day to all mothers out there and keep the prayers going.  I will post a picture from Sunday here later today. 


  1. God kristi this really is one hell of a rollercoaster. Must be so hard to see him one minute doing so well then the next hes slipped back

    I can only hope and pray his levels improve day by day and indeed hour by hour. I will be continually praying for him and for strength and comfort for u and darren

    As always ur in my thoughts

    All my love and god bless


  2. Again another heart wrenching read Kristi-I really hope n pray you are/were able to spend time and somehow have a Happy Mothers Day after what youve endured you are at least entitled to that eh.

    Must admit Iam a fan of rollercoasters but what young Chris is going thru makes Disneyland look your local playground.

    Sorry for double entry the post before this all I can say that there must be Gremlins in the system no doubt but at least I was thinking of you and your trials n tribulations more than once in a day ;-)

    Again I wish you a Happy Mothers Day Kristi and bye for now.

  3. Hello Kristi,
    In these difficult circumstances, I wish you a happy Mothers Day. I hope Chris will soon get better and grow stronger. I bet the doctors are doing whatever they can, and so are you. Being so far away, I can only pray, knowing that for Him there is no such thing as distance.
    I lit a candle for Chris in a little chapel near my house. This chapel was built for people who want to pray for babies and little children in need, be it by illness or by bad circumstances.
    Be strong, Kristi

    I know this is not the mother's day you were longing for and I am truly sorry for the extreme stress you have had physcially and emotionally. I have been thinking of you A LOT! Wishing you and your family lots of Love and Prayers!!
    Love ya, Janalyn

  5. Thank you Janalyn!!!! Darren missed his Fathers Day too, he was pretty upset, please keep him in your prayers too.
